Friday, November 30, 2007



作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦

那样清晰 打过勾的我相信
是你如今 唯一坚持的任性



my JAY~~

my dear Jay Chou Jie Lun has released his brand new album recently, this time i admit im not his loyal fans, coz when he released his new album, i din know at all, hehee, wat so call fans wah..but don scold me ma, i was so bz with work things recently ma, hehe, wat a lame excuse. ok la, so now im listening to my beloved Jay now lor, his all 10 songs, again, i love them so much, jus like his previos album, all his songs are so nice n best!! of course la, my Jay woh, who u think he is? he is a genius in music arena, we cant deny it at all, dont u angree with me? as a fren of mine, u won say u don angry geh, rite? coz u all know i will go crazy if u criticize my dear Jay oh~~ act all his songs also given by Kian, hehe, he sure knew tat i love Jay so much oh~~ n his MV<<牛仔很忙>> is so cute oh, Jay become so cute oh~~ this is d song i love so much in his new album, if u all have a time, reli don be so stingy oh, share some time n listen to his new songs, esp this one~~

周杰伦 - 彩虹
作曲:周杰伦 作词:周杰伦


看不见你的笑 我怎么睡得着

你要离开 我知道很简单
你说依赖 是我们的阻碍
就算放开 但能不能别没收我的爱


看不见你的笑 我怎么睡得着

你要离开 我知道很简单
你说依赖 是我们的阻碍
就算放开 但能不能别没收我的爱

看不见你的笑 要我怎么睡得着
你要离开 我知道很简单你说依赖

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

all about me~~


你是個重視美和氣氛的浪漫主義者。你沒有很強的物慾,所以,也不會特意去營造財產。你認為不必買房子,只要有住的地方即可,比起買個房子但必需遠距離通勤,你寧願在都市附近租間公寓住。你是一個在心智上完全臻於成熟的人。每天精神奕奕、充滿自信,同時又很受到朋 友們的信賴。但是相對地,你對日常生活乃至人生的態度稍嫌嚴肅了一點。或許是因為 你給別人的印象就是如此,而你也刻意地去表現出這一面。不過,如果你能更加任性點 ,偶而輕鬆一下,不要固執地想要一直去扮演完人的角色。說不定反而能提高你的聲望也說不定。 你是那種吵架吵完就忘的類型。無論吵得再凶,對方說得多難聽 ,睡了一覺之後,你都好像沒發生過一樣地能和對方繼續相處。這樣的態度,反倒是讓對方自己覺得慚愧,而能順利地言歸於好。你是個很浪漫的人,生活態度也像夢般的虛幻。對錢很不在意,只有在感覺錢是很重要的時候,才會加以儲蓄。麊鷟犒B用漫不經心,常會丟掉錢包,借給別人的錢也常常會忘記。由於你浪漫的個性,所以不要等到要救急時才存錢,更要有計畫的管理錢財,這樣對你才會有幫助。你是一個有自信的人,雖然你不是做到態度上的咄咄逼人,可是只要你堅持一個想法,無論別人如何去唆使、蠱惑你,你都不為所動,不過這不代表你是剛愎自用的,相反的,你很喜歡聽到別人對你的建言,是一個很不錯的人喲!你喜歡正大光明與人迎面鬥上,因為你認為自己好像是舞臺上的主角,一定要有出色的表現。所以一開始可能只是一個小爭端,但你會戲劇性誇大其嚴重性,將現場緊繃的張力延伸至最大,你不過是想爭取群眾的注意罷了。只要給你面子,讓你得到一些掌聲,事情就可以馬上落幕。 你是心地非常善良的人,但與人相處時為了不想暴露自己的缺點而設了一道防線,所以有時會被人誤會為不容易親近之人,雖然朋友不多,但能擁有深厚友誼。再者有優秀的數字能力,能在理工上一展長才。你的個性保守,相當重視道德.因此這種類型的人很重視自己的想法,不勉強自己與他人交往,有頑固的一面.你能擁有一份可以發揮自己專長的工作,逐步完成自己的夢想。還有,你脾氣變化無常,有興趣時,能認真踏實做下去,一旦失去興趣,就會對所做的事感到莫明其妙,予以放棄。


你的感情表現常常是勇敢、開明、自由的,因為你非常的坦然,因此從來不喜歡猜忌或懷疑別人對你的態度和心意。你對人有很好的包容力,如果遇到實在不喜歡的人,採取態度是迴避,不會直接衝突。暗戀是你最拿手的戀愛方式!永遠只在遠遠的地方看著心儀的人,幻想著有一天他會主動來約你.愛他就要勇敢說出來!加油唷。你一但真的愛上對方就會變的有點痴呆,可以說是對戀愛的掌控度非常不拿手,雖然你平常能夠很厲害的抓住異性的心,可是,一但在心儀的對象面前,就會變的有點笨手笨腳;而且會因為太緊張,而無法表達自己,不過這也許就是你可愛的地方也說不一定。在一旁等到沒人時才上前去欣賞那幅畫,正是屬於等候型的人。這種人只會傻傻的等待机會上門,不會自己去尋找,因此常有眼睜睜看著心上人被人搶走的經驗,真可憐!有智慧、沉靜、三思後行,尊重人,有修養的個性,是你之所以喜歡他的原因。一旦與他認識,你會希望與他共處一生。你對於戀情抱著浪漫、綺麗的夢想,對於喜歡的對象,你是不是在單戀人家呢?對你而言,得到他的愛情,就算沒有了全世界,你也會覺得沒什麼了!你外表看起來像是溫馴的小綿羊,不會做出傷人的事,但相處一久,就可以發現,在你純潔的羊皮之下,是一顆熾熱的心。因為你這樣愛到深處無怨尤的性格,才會那麼在乎對方,時刻都想黏在一起,是屬於隱性透明的強力膠。你會因愛人的言行舉止,而產生許多迷惑,你不能肯定他是否真心愛你,也不知道愛情會延續多久,所以你時常為了這個問題而煩惱不安,其實你不必這麼懷疑對方,應該以信心和誠意來對待他,才能共創永恆的愛情。基本上你算是很專情的,只是你好像不太願意去承認這些事,只把這種愛慕放在心裡,面對性時,你只是像個孩子一樣,雖然笨拙,但也純真得可愛!你給異性的感覺是個喜歡交朋友的人,所以跟你較相近的對象也應該是個悠然自得、懂得享受愛情的人。你們兩人很可能成為令人近羨的鴛鴦夫妻。這種注意格調的人,多半都是注意外表的人。你是否會認為沒戀人是件很沒面子的事呢??而當你到他家作客時,由你所在意的事情便可以看出你是否真的喜歡他。你的醋勁不算太大,但是偶爾會疾火中燒,不過不是很強烈,不過忍耐太久 就會有爆發的可能。



你會是個擁有豐富專業知識的人才,而且年紀輕輕便能把自己的性格、專長、興趣逐一展現出來。事業是你一生中最重要的東西,無論從 政、營商或者其你行業,都可輕易掌握,能開創一條光明大道。可是,正因過分自信,不願聽取別人意見及忠告,加上不愛受束縛,常令人感覺你狂妄自大。你狂狷的性格總為自己帶來一點麻煩,惹得別人對你的死硬脾氣有點感冒。人家覺得不是很重要的小節,在你眼中,可是了不得的大事,要是觸犯了你的禁忌,十年不相往來是很有可能發生的事。雖說如此,你對於合得來的知交,卻是好得不得了,願意以寶劍相贈知己,出手闊綽,令人咋舌。你對於朋友的懷舊度似乎不高,有時候你應該好好珍惜和朋友的友誼。

Tuesday, November 27, 2007



a not bad website~~

Monday, November 19, 2007

piggy him

tat piggy kian promise me will come n look for me tonite, but, jus forget it la, till now i din get any call or sms from him, so, sure he still in his sweet dream meeting 'zhao gung' n playing chess with him la, so sure 冻过水la, better stay at home n blogging la, haha!
today meeting with big boss, reli so scary man, this is d 3rd time i went for meeting but it was d 1st time i finally know how this big boss scold ppl lor, walau eh, reli 名不虚传oh, jus a tiny little mistake he oso can scold ppl till 狗血淋头. reli 佩服 him so much. but as ppl say, 受人钱财替人受罪,为了两餐是这样的啦。进入第三个星期在这里工作,开始忙起来了,尤其是今天,用了一个早上来update minits, 因为害怕开时会被骂,还好没有,不然真的是倒霉了。
放工时,我去了Hotel Tyng Garden...yo yo yo, 去干什么?嘿嘿,去interview啦,别想歪了。是之前申请到的,但我想我不会转工啦,才一个月不到就转工,开玩笑嘛!还是乖乖在这里挨吧!~~


在你心中有这样的一个人吗?你们可能相爱过,你们也可能喜欢着彼此,但是,为了什么原因你们没能在一起?也许他为了朋友之间的义气,不能追你。也许为了顾及家人的意见 ,你们没有在一起。.也许为了出国深造,他没有要你等他。也许你们相遇太早,还不懂得珍惜对方。也许你们相遇太晚,你们身边已经有了另一个人。也许你回头太迟,对方已不再等待。也许你们彼此在捉摸对方的心,而迟迟无法跨出界线。.不过即使你们没在一起,你们还是保持了朋友的关系。但是你们心底清楚,对这个人,你比朋友还多了一份关心。即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵着手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。他有喜欢的人,你口头上会帮他追,心里却不是很清楚你是不是真的希望他追到。.他遇到困难时,你会尽你所能的帮他,不会计较谁又欠了谁。男女朋友吃醋了,你会安抚他们说你和他只是朋友,但你心中会有那么一丝的不确定。每个人这辈子,心中都有过这幺一个特别的朋友,很矛盾的行为。一开始你不甘心只做朋友的,但久了,突然发现这样最好。 你宁愿这样关心他, 总好过你们在一起而有天会分手。你宁愿做他的朋友,彼此不会吃醋,才可以真的无所不谈。特别是这样,你还是知道,他永远会关心你的。做不成男女朋友,当他那个特别的朋友,有什么不好呢?你心中的这个特别的朋友...? 是谁呢?
因为这就像是一场赌注,表白了之后不是成了男女朋友,要不就连朋友都当不成了。有些事不是你能预料的,或许对方不在意,你们还可以是朋友,但却已经不如从前的好。也是可惜,也是遗憾!但还有没有可能是另一种情况,你可能永远都不甘心只是朋友. . . . .

Sunday, November 18, 2007

porridge steamboat

for 2 saturday straight, i went for d porridge steamboat with kian n his frens, yo, man, it is so nice la, d porridge steamboat reli so damn nice, hahaha, thou d food not much but once eat those porridge, dy feel so full, esp v added in d egg into d porridge, wow, it is so nice n tasty, reali cant resist it, must give urself a try if u r in sdk oh, but i think everywer oso got la, esp kl, my 1st time porridge steamboat was in kl, sungai wang ter, with my ex roommate, Tze Kie, she is doing her KPLI now...yest after d steamboat, went to play ps2 with hong hong, hahaaa, 1st time playing d game killing ppl one, hahaa, sure i dunno how to play, 2players ma, so hong responsible to kill d king, then im d one jus kill anyone come to attack me, not bad ma, can 'fat sit' once if v are not in d mood, then i sure got scream here n ter when i was attacked by those bad ppl, kian said he can hear my voice from upstairs, hahaaha, so paiseh la...

Friday, November 16, 2007

~Angels Brought Me Here~

today is friday, 4.30pm can back from office lor, but today went home a bit late, kononnya need to pretend hardworking a bit ma, if not later boss saw me from cctv ter tat i dy start rearrange my things b4 'fong gong' then not good lor, hahaha....on my way back home, again, still like usual, a bit jam, i reli dunno why everyday when i back i need to take almost 20 min only reach home, normally it only took me 10 min to reach office from home,in d morning la, then it takes double the time for me to reach home at 5pm, god ah, stop the jam la...small town like this oso will jam, reli weird la...oh, almost stray away from wat i want to write tim..i heard a nice song from Ai FM, hehe, no more 988 o MYFM for me in sdk la...the DJ promote a song to us, then it is reli good man, thou it is an old song dy, according to him la, i oso not sure, so when i back, i straight online to look for this song, yes, here i present to u a nice song from Guy Sebastian, ~Angels Brought Me Here~ ,an Australian star, with a terrific nice vocal, melt my heart with his song..

"Angels Brought Me Here"
[Verse 1]
It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...
My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...
If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
[Verse 2]
Standing here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...
[Bridge 2]
My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...
If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
[Bridge 3]
Brought me here to be with you,I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came trueWhen I found you
My miracle...
If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here... If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

Thursday, November 15, 2007


its been a really long time din play badminton dy lor, went for badminton last nite, wow, not bad ma...but when my engine was jus started up, end dy lor, so cham, so din realy play much, din sweat much, my better than none lor, coz reli long time no exercise dy lor, i don remember when was my last time went for sport, sure very very long time ago lor, no wonder i become so fat dy, my plan for years to keep fit never success at all, coz im a lazy pig pig~~nyiok nyiok~~

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

cold war

having a cold war with her since yesterday, i oso dunno wat have i done wrong to her, in my memory, i reli din do anything wrong n make her angry, so i reli dunno wat is going on...god, help me, its torturing!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

its been a long time..

its been a long time since my last blogging...lazy to face the computer again after back home from work...however, nothing special happen past last week, nvm la frens, heehhe...just to tell u, i have a really happy n sweet time with Kian for d whole week, coz no quarrels dy ma, sure happy la, hope it will continue like this till forever n ever...hee, hate quarrel ma..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

my 1st day of working

din reli sleep well last nite, im not sure im nervous for working today o wat, coz i was in a such bad sleep recently, cant reli sleep well at nite, have to turning round n round then only i can fall asleep after 1 hour o 2, i reli dunno wat happen. kian said i drink nescafe in d morning, hey man, every morning i oso drink la, why last time i won be like tat n now im like this? reli have no idea!
woke up at 6.30am this morning, so early oh ho? but i think, for the rest few months, i have to wake up this morning too lo, reli will going to miss my sleep sleep time oh, n miss my pig pig life too...reach office at 7.50am, a bit early coz my fren haven reach yet, she is d one who will bring me to my head later lor, then sit on d sofa there, saw 2 handsome ter,hahaha, not bad man, but so sad too, coz im not d same office with them, im at d another side, another compartment...din reli do much this morning, my colleague explain to me wat i have to do for my pose, HR + admin with logging camps operation...OMG, 1st time deal with this kind of things, reli dunno how to start, plus my frens not same department with me, so din chat with them, maybe later lo, still got chance short, my 1st day...jus a normal boring day.


其实很多男孩子都不知道,女孩子在 向他们发火后,自己转过身却在不断 啜泣。其实很多男孩子都不 知道,女孩子从来不会真正去生他们 的气,因为她是真的喜欢他在乎他。 其实很多男孩子都不知道, 女孩子只会对自己喜欢的男生唠唠叨 叨,也只会对自己喜欢的人耍性子。 你要知道,假若她不喜欢你 ,她根本不会来在乎你关心你 ,怕你做错事情。你要知道,假若她 不喜欢你,她根本不会对你发火,不 会对你撒娇让你哄她,在别人面前她都是淑女。你要知道,假若她不喜欢 你,你根本就没有本事让她哭泣,让 即使生气也不会超过2天。而这一切都只是因为她喜欢你,而这 一切都因为你还不够在意她不够懂她 。于是,你们时常 争吵,你认为她脾气不好,她认为你 不够迁就她。于是,你们总是冷战, 你以为她不喜欢你,她以为你不在乎 她。于是,你们总是莫名其妙的彼此 错过,也许擦身而过,本身就是一种 悲伤着的无奈与幸福。要知 道,凄美依然是美的一种, 并且美的绚丽悲,凄凉而沧 桑,那是 更加的美。因为她喜欢你,所以她偶 尔对你发火,时常对你娇。因为她喜 欢你,所以她才会生你的气;而又因 为喜欢你,她才不会去生气很久。你 可知道,每个女孩子的心都 是水晶做的,晶莹剔透,但是很容易 就碰伤摔碎。你可知道,每个女孩子 的心都是不设防的,你那么轻 易就闯进她的心,走的时候却只留下 伤害。她从来都不 知道,这个世界上根本没有可以让她 哭的人,因为真正值得她哭的那个根 本舍不得让她哭。她会很矜持,她会 很骄傲,她会很冷淡,她总是嘴里说 着你走开,心里却一直叫你留下。请 你张开你的耳朵,也请你打开你的心,去听她心里真正的呼唤,而不是她嘴里的口 是心非。她会看着你转身, 然后她跟着你转身,当侧身而过的时 候,你看不见她的眼泪,滂沱在脸上 心里。如果你喜欢她,请你 多陪她;如果你喜欢她,请 你多宠她;如果你喜欢她,请你多让 她;如果你喜欢她,请你去听听她内 心的声音,那是呐喊——请拥抱她。 在爱情里,总是彼此伤害, 彷佛这样才能证明自己爱得 激烈爱到轰轰烈烈。可是,爱情里没 有谁对谁错;爱情里更加没有你比我 多我比你少。你爱她,她爱你,如此 就已经足够。不要试图让彼此的伤害 ,让彼此更加脆弱悲伤。你们彼此相 爱,你们需要的是温暖是幸福是甜蜜,是快乐 ,不是伤害。不要用沉默宣战,不要 互不相让,更不要什么话都不讲就冷 漠离去。要知道,你离去的时候,你 的眼睛起了雾,她的眼角泛着泪光。 越是安静战火就越传,这是冷战也是 彼此的伤害。无论是怎么的复合,那 些伤口曾经存在,抹不去。请跟她一个拥抱,用你的拥抱去化解 她心里的悲伤与眼角的泪水。她喜欢你,她绝对不会拒绝你的拥抱,她只 会害怕你的冷漠转身无声安静。请记 住,相爱的人不要轻易宣战 ,因为冷战带来的 伤害,超 出你的预计。也请记住,只要你喜欢 她,没有什么是你接受不了的,只要 你喜欢她,就喜欢她的一切一切。那 么她所有的小性子所有的坏脾气所有 的臭毛病,在你眼里都是撒娇。也请 记住,她喜欢你,她需要的不是你真 的转身,她嘴里说着的也不是她的真 心话。她只是想你宠她,想你抱她, 哪怕,没有道歉。

Friday, November 2, 2007

start working tml lor~~

surprise!! i got a call this noon at around 3pm, a call from a fren, guess wat, yes, i been accepted to work at d company n im asked to start working tml morning, yes!! finally i got the job, no need to worry anymore lor..however..start worry oso, coz i not sure i can cope with working environment ter o not, i scare cant mix well with the workers ter, yes, it is a big company with many employees..aiks...lot to think of pula...but, jus accept n try my best to adapt to it lor..yeah~~

Thursday, November 1, 2007

went for interview

this morning, long time din wake up so early lor, 7.15am dy woke up, why? coz i have an interview appointment at 9am lor, so have to wake up this morning lor, cant be late for an interview mah, bad impression, hehehe! but amazingly, i reach ter at 8.55am, then i left d company at 9.15am. fast le, don forget, i use time to fill in d form as well, so my interview only took not more than 10 min, haha, 1st time i went for an interview tat took such a short time only, well, maybe coz my interviwer not d boss la, she is also a worker in the company, maybe thats d reason lor, a worker interview for a worker, sure won ask much la, she oso dunno wat to ask lor, just asked, u study for education, then why u don wan to become a teacher? if later i hire u, will u resign after several months to go for d government job? haha, sure i won u believe me? hehehe..she said should be no problem for me to work there, but she still needs to inform her boss n need to get her boss's permission to hire me, cham lor, so scare her boss not agree frens, pray for me to get this job oh, i so need a job now, no money plus so boring at home dy lor, almost 'fat mou' lor~~