Wednesday, August 11, 2010

a busy week~~

wish to have a post too since i saw a frenof mine post something on her blog n eventually change d template of her blog as well...she was having a stress life n that make me think of mine too..i have an extremely busy week, as Excel PMR jus ended, n as a f3 teacher, i have to mark all the papers in a less than a week time as d school rules said tat: teachers must return the test papers to students after 1 week from then last day of test/exam...gosh...reli so rush n i have so much to do in school...things never finish~~SHIT~thinking n thinking...all those busy stuffs are school works, none of them is my personal thing, that's bad, busy for work only, i not wish to become a work maniac...i wan a normal life only, i jus wan to go school on time, back home on time, not liek now, having to mark papers at home..that;s pity!cham~~

went to have my hair done this noon...wish to have a fresher look but i still look d same afterall...hahahaa...din do much change on my hair coz i was afraid to do age increase, i like to remain things unchange, so that i won feel hard to cope with it strat from d beginning...old ppl's thinking, tat's bad...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


男生永远不懂,为什么女生会那么的依赖你,那是因为她把你当做她的唯一,最信赖的人。 男生永远不懂,为什么女生在你不给她打电话的时候会很生气,因为她想要听到你的声音,感觉你的疼爱。 男生永远不懂,女生为什么会爱生气,因为她只是想要你来哄她,回味你们之间的温存。 男生永远不懂,女生怎么那么爱吃醋,那是因为她爱你,而容不下一点你给其他女生的任何一点温柔。 男生永远不懂,为什么女生爱唠叨让你少抽烟,少喝酒,女生也知道那不可能,但是她担心你的身体。 男生永远不懂,女生怎么那么多的眼泪,那是因为她将所有的委屈都化做泪水,而把所有的温柔都留给你。 男生永远不懂,女生愿意为你东奔西跑、为你做很多事,只是因为爱你,而并不是为了显示自己比你强。 男生永远不懂,女生会在很晚的时候打电话给你,不是不信任你,只是突然很想你,想听听你的声音。 男生永远不懂,女生会想要知道你的一切,想为你分担事情,那是因为她只想要自己是你最亲密的人。 男生永远不懂,当分手来到时,女生那坚强的语言后面是多么伤的伤痛! 男生永远不懂,分手后女生不是不痛,而是痛到连看到你就会无法自拔! 男生永远不懂,女生的爱是那么深。一旦爱上就不能自已。隐瞒的那么深,不要带给你困扰!而自己哭泣! 男生永远不懂,女生的爱!女生的爱脆弱又坚强,不要欺骗玩弄感情。女孩狠起心来是不要命的。 男生永远不懂,当你说不爱她了。她不会缠着你。只要你快乐,她愿意放开你。 男生永远不懂,女生在分手后那笑的背后有了多少的悲痛! 如果爱,请深深的爱她,对她负责,给她一生幸福。如果不爱,请不要享受她的独爱,放开她,让别的男人来给她幸福。不要挥霍爱情,爱情挥霍完了,就会挥霍了她的生命。